Script and Performing Fees:
Advertising must include and ascribe the authors name to the production and if you wish to change the scripts in any fundamental way please get permission from the same author. For more information see below and T&Cs that can be provided.
*Please note that the number referred to is the number of seats physically in the theatre and not the audience numbers attending the shows.
Fees for an electronic master copy means that it can be copied enough times that is felt necessary. We provide free PDF reading copies. Please email or fill in below form to request one.
Payment can be done by BACS transfer (details to be given) or by cheque made out to A. Savory.
Any performances cancelled and notified to “Savory Scripts and Scribes” five days or more before the planned first show qualify for full refunds of the performance licence fee for the cancelled performances. If you wish to request a refund, please contact us before taking any other action (for example, it is easier and cheaper for us to process a refund than if you cancel a transaction with your credit card company). Performances cancelled within five days of the first performance are not eligible for refunds. Shows that fail to attract an audience are not eligible for refunds.
We will provide a licence to perform a script, in whole or in part and to visually/digitally record. Performance licences are only available to individuals and groups who have previously purchased master copies or performance sets of scripts “Savory Scripts and Scribes”. If you would like to apply for a performance licence and master copies, please fill in the details below and we will email you a form which you can send back either by email or post.
Your data will ONLY be used for the purposes of sending scripts and licences. Other than this, all personal data will not be kept or sent to ANY third party.
Pantomimes and Full-Length Plays:
Up to 150 seats* - £50 per performance
151 - 250 seats* - £55 per performance
251 - 350 seats* - £60 per performance
351 - 450 seats* - £65 per performance
451 - 550 seats* - £70 per performance
Over 550 seats* - £75 per performance
Licence to visually/digitally record any performance - £25
One Act Plays:
Up to 150 seats* - £20 per performance
151 - 250 seats* - £20 per performance
251 - 350 seats* - £25 per performance
351 - 450 seats* - £25 per performance
451 - 550 seats* - £30 per performance
Over 550 seats* - £40 per performance
Licence to visually/digitally record any performance - £25
PDF Reading Copies FREE
Electronic Master Copy of Pantomimes and Full-Length Plays = £20
Electronic Master Copy of One Act Plays = £10